Getting Paid To Take Care Of A Loved One From Home

Getting Paid To Take Care Of A Loved One From Home

Nearly 80% of adults who live at home and receive care assistance depend solely on their relatives and friends for help with their daily activities. Many people, including relatives or friends choose to serve as in-home caregivers to ensure their loved one receives the best quality care. The arrangement can be extremely rewarding. However, the role of a caregiver is not an easy one. Many find themselves struggling financially after taking on the role full-time. Caregivers spend several hours each day assisting their loved ones with various tasks, including cooking, driving to appointments, providing companionship, and ensuring their safety and well-being – but they are not being compensated for their time. The good news is Emerest has various programs available in Connecticut and Missouri to help friend and family caregivers who need financial assistance.

One of the biggest perks of these caregiver programs is that clients can choose the friend or family member who will take care of them. This type of ‘self-directed service’ gives people the freedom to train and hire their own caregivers. So, the service is customized to fit their individual needs. Most people are eligible to be a paid caregiver for their loved ones, including children, relatives, and friends who are at least 18 years old. However, legal spouses are ineligible. For example, a wife cannot be paid to care for her husband. Caregivers must also be currently living with the patient. Benefits of Having a Family Member or Friend as a Caregiver Family members certainly benefit from knowing their loved one is well taken care of. However, there are also many advantages for clients when they can hire their own personal care assistant: Trust and quality time with someone you love. Many people prefer not to have a stranger in their home and enjoy the extra time they’re able to spend with their loved ones. Care in the comfort of your own home. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many older people and their families would rather stay at home away from any potential exposure to may lead to sickness. Financial assistance for your loved one. Family members who would be caring for their loved one anyway can get funding to lessen the financial impact of taking on the role full-time. Support for entire families. Emerest programs provide more than just financial assistance. We also help train caregivers and offer social services, all free of charge. Locations Where We Provide this Service At Emerest, we provide two different friend and family caregiver programs to accommodate clients in Connecticut and Missouri. Both programs offer competitive pay for caregivers and wellness services for clients and their loved ones – all free of charge for Medicaid recipients. While specific tasks vary depending on the patient, most caregivers help with bathing, mobility, transportation, cooking, laundry, cleaning, and taking medications. To qualify for this program, recipients must meet the following qualifications: Have Medicaid Age 65+ years old Need assistance with daily activities Able to direct your own care Adult Family Living (AFL) at Emerest Home Care of Connecticut Adult Family Living (AFL) is a program that helps elderly individuals remain living in their homes by providing financial assistance and support for family members or friends who act as primary in-home caregivers. In addition to the basic requirements, to qualify for Emerest AFL, you must also be a Connecticut resident. Emerest AFL offers weekly payme

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